Monday, October 27, 2008

Ask a Korean

Sorry for the lack of posts lately; my mom is visiting me now in Korea (all the way from Oregon!) so I've spent less time reading and writing posts and more time traveling and meeting her friends. There is a post in the works as a follow up to my introduction to the Korean language that will attempt to explain all Korean vowels in one fell swoop. In the meantime I want to refer you to a blog that I'm following that is pretty good. It is called "Ask a Korean" and is usually interesting and intelligent, and there's the running joke of the main blogger's speaking in the third person as "the Korean." There's a good discussion of Korean culture, candid and actually intelligent answers to questions involving stereotypes/races, and occasional links to random other things the blogger finds interesting. Mainly he responds to reader questions that are e-mailed him. The most recent post, for example, was about the status and perception of homosexuality in Korea, which is something I'd been wondering about since arriving in Korea but hadn't asked anyone about. So! Without further ado:
More idiot posts coming soon...

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